About Me FreeLog:

Imagine living the life you dream about. Back in 2012, when I hit 20, I wondered, “What if I venture out on my own, be my own boss, and explore the world solo?” Fast forward to now, I’m still on that journey, and in this blog, I’ll share all the travel deets and tips from this adventure.

About Me
About Me FreeLog

This blog is all about being savvy when you travel—planning smart and budgeting wisely. Because, you know, the cheapest option isn’t always the smartest. I studied in the U.S. and Switzerland during my school days, and after graduating, I worked and traveled whenever I could. Now, after 12 years of non-stop globetrotting, I’ve taken a break from my job to travel because, honestly, there’s no better way to discover myself and enjoy life than through travel.

And that’s how the FreeLog came to be.

I started this blog for two simple reasons: to share my funny travel mishaps and provide helpful travel tips. My mission is to create FREE travel guides where I share my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned along the way—whether it’s about costs or just life lessons. I hope you pick up something useful.

Today, I’m currently full-time travel blogger, which is wild. I never thought this little blog would turn into a travel career. Life is way better now. I’m not claiming to be experts, not yet anyway. But even if I was, this blog is for the budget travelers out there—the newbies, first-timers, the lost and confused, the shy and socially awkward, the directionally challenged, those who have just enough and can’t afford mistakes, and those who don’t know where to start. Travel is an ongoing learning adventure. And on this blog, you’ll always have a place to kick off my journey with this free guide. Check out more about my blog here.